The Wealth Booster Challenge:
Build and Launch the Framework for your
7 Digit Fortune in Just 7 Days
Become financially savvy, have a diversified investment portfolio, enjoy recurring income and capital gains that can transform €1000 into hundreds of thousands
Are you ready to participate in business deals 
that can set you up for life?
We will show you how to develop a millionaire mindset and how to start your Prosperity Framework that will help you build a balanced investment portfolio diversified by asset and by asset classes.
Having a proven strategy and access to lucrative deals, not usually accessible to the general public, are the missing links to your 7 Digit Fortune.
Have you had high hopes in previous investments that haven’t generated the expected returns?

Do you sometimes get frustrated about your financial situation because you know you can do better… but you struggle to find the good deals?

Would you like to know how to start boosting your wealth using the same strategies that the ultra rich use?

If so, then you’re going to LOVE the Wealth Booster Challenge that will help you to launch your millionaire mindset and the framework of your investment strategy.

My name is Joao de Saldanha.
For the past 10 years, I have helped more than 50 people increase their net worth to over €1,000,000.

Would you like to know how we do it?

The first step is to join The Wealth Booster Challenge. 

And, because you answered "YES" to one or more of the questions above, I know something about you...


Joining the Wealth Booster Challenge is just the first step and the right way to get started. 

the problem
You have the investment capacity. You want to boost your wealth but you’re not sure where to start and you’re afraid of losing money.
It took me a long, long time to figure out how to develop these successful investment strategies and to create my own 7-digit portfolio.

When I first started investing I lost money on several deals and businesses…  

I invested in the stock exchange, in Forex and in different businesses but I had many losses…

I found myself feeling terribly frustrated, overwhelmed, with a passion to make an impact on my finances, but no positive results.
I realised that I was on my own, investing randomly in bright shiny objects, searching for the golden grail, without a proper strategy nor investment plan; the learning curve was steep and expensive… until I started to build a financial community, to bring together the power of the many and ensure that together we would be able to access the best and most lucrative deals.

All of a sudden, I had like-minded people, Prosperity Accelerators, joining me in several co-investments. 

In 2021, I generated over 300% ROI for my co-investors in just 8 months with only one deal. 

I have since introduced them to more deals, some even from Silicon Valley, all with the potential to be even more lucrative.

And now, my investment portfolio keeps growing in value, in diversification and in returns leading to a growing number of investors of all levels to join my community and build their 7-digit fortunes.
the best part
The investment team that I have built are increasing their wealth through the power of simple strategies that I am going to teach you in my Wealth Booster Challenge.
Now, I want to help you to do the same...
In Less Than 7 days you will build and launch the framework for your 7-digit fortune, including an investment plan specific to the goals that you have for your life and your family. We will dive deep into creating a unique strategy that will give you the confidence that you need to invest wisely, reap the returns and grow your wealth. 
That’s precisely what the Wealth Booster Challenge has been created to do.
but you will need to hurry
We start soon and 
places are limited.
This isn’t simply another one of those challenges with little interaction from those running it. 

Because of Joao and his team's hands on nature of applying their significant wealth creation experience, they will be engaging with you, answering your questions and providing you with the absolutely clarity required to build your wealth.

Act fast to ensure that you don’t miss out. 
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